Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I went over species on the last post, I might has put down the second tent-pole of character creation. That's affiliation. There are several affiliations available for player characters. These organizations represent the sponsors or employers of the characters, those that provide training and resources to rocket crews.

The Star Corps: The Earth Space Coalition trains its own officers to staff its rocket missions. These men and women are scientists and leaders, meant to command rocket crews with confidence and skill. Entrance to the Star Corps academy is governed by rigorous testing and is highly competitive. Only the most ambitious students can hope to study here with a goal of a career in space. Star Corps cadets learn diplomacy, leadership, a variety of scientific disciplines, and physical studies with an emphasis on hand-to-hand martial combat. A future rocket captain must be intelligent, shrewd, and in peak physical fitness.

Space Rangers: The Space Rangers are a multinational Public Defense Division governed by Earth Space Coalition's Special Security Council. The Space Ranger charter allows for these men and women to be deployed only in defense of Earth Colonies and Rocket Crews. While the ESC prefers diplomacy over strength of arms, it is a pragmatic organization that realizes not every culture shares its peaceful ideals. Space Rangers often accompany rocket crews on missions into uncharted or even hostile territory. Where their skill in arms is not required, Space Rangers are expert survivalists and scouts, able to forage on even the most alien worlds, perform medical triage, and respond cool-headed in crisis scenarios. Space Rangers are known to carry the versatile Jacobs Rifle, a charge weapon capable of being replenished and even rebuilt using primitive materials.

Fellowship or Research Scientists: The Fellowship was established to facilitate communication and the sharing of research data and resources amongst research astronauts. Though some view it as little more than a fraternity, Research Fellows are welcome amongst rocket crews as they are typically highly regarded experts in their field with years of education and study. Many crews tell stories of how ship scientists modified some rocket system in an unexpected way that saved the rocket and crew from certain doom. Indeed, many Research Fellows are capable of modifying equipment or developing whole new devices to solve the most perplexing problems a rocket crew might face. Fantastical weapons, terrifying explosions, and miraculous panaceas are the stock and trade of Research Fellows.

Diggers: Rockets and other modern equipment are operated via highly complex computer systems. Well trained technicians are required to maintain these systems and beyond that, rocket crews are often encountering alien computers of esoteric design and function. Crewmen able to extract mission critical data from such systems are in high demand. Though quaint 'cyberpunk' novels of the 1900's and early 2000's would have one believe that such work is accomplished through guile, subterfuge, and large goggles, a Digger will say the best strategy is to raze the system to the ground and sort through the digital ashes in the aftermath. Equipped with a parietal implant that allows for direct mind-to-computer interface, Diggers are trained to confront and overcome computer security systems through brute-force signal manipulation. The implant allows the Digger to quickly identify and act on patterns perceived in a data feed or system memory to disrupt and disable hostile computer systems as well as to extract and parse reams of data. Operating the implant at high speeds, in stressful situations, or for extended periods can overheat the hardware and cause lasting damage to brain tissue. Monitoring by the crew's medic is always recommended for potentially hazardous work.

Swanscove Society: This society of dilettantes is comprised of wealthy industrialists, aristocrats, treasure hunters, esoterics, and even mercenaries. They are all united by their mutual desire for adventure and exploration. Though many are motivated by the fame or riches the unknown reaches of space may provide, others are just as passionate about the pure joy of discovery and treading where no man has set foot before. All are dedicated to the exploration of space. New members are elected by secret ballot and are initiated via a secret ritual. The society practices many rituals which foster a sense of brotherhood between members. Each progressive rank in the society grants greater access to the organization’s knowledge and history acquired over hundreds of years. Many outside the organization believe the society possesses some profound secret that empowers its members’ seemingly endless good fortune. Others believe it is a deeply corrupt fraternity with agents in every important position throughout society. Whatever the case, the Swanscove Society seems less interested with its public image than chasing distant stars.

Meteor Scouts: The Meteor Scouts program is designed to teach young men the importance of academic success, community involvement, leadership, and personal accountability. Meteor Scouts are often precocious teens and young adults with boundless energy and insatiable curiosity. Armed with their Meteor Scout Manuals, small, synthetically intelligent databases, Meteor Scouts are full of facts. What they lack in life experience, they more than make up with broad scholastic knowledge and intuitive ability with technological gadgets. Young women are considered to members of the Nebulanne Troupe. Though genders are considered to be equal in this culturally mature age, attempts by the program leaders to appeal to young men and women have caused the Meteor Scouts and the Nebulanne Troupe programs to diverge slightly. The two organizations share a fierce rivalry. Both programs teach the importance of strong character, scholastic achievement, and teamwork.

Algaens: There are those humans who have been exposed to and formed a symbiosis with the Hecla Spore. They are known as Algaens. This spore, discovered in the ruins of the Hecla Colony Disaster, is nourished by the electrical activity of the human nervous system. The spore’s sensitivity to electrical currents awakens a new sense in those men and women it bonds with, allowing for such bizarre phenomena as telepathy, bio-electric conduction, and precognition. The Earth Government restricts human experimentation and only the Algaea Charter Organization enjoys rights to cultivate and study the alien spore. Candidates may apply to the Algaea Charter Organization and volunteer for symbiosis and training. Training takes place in a highly secure private academy and candidates receive instruction in how to utilize their new potential. Due to their highly sought after abilities, Algaeans are valuable, if unsettling, members of any rocket crew, able to manifest a variety of seemingly supernatural effects.

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