Monday, September 19, 2016


In Project Manifest Destiny, players will be able to choose from four different species for their characters. I use the word 'species' deliberately as 'race' outside of fantasy works (and maybe even in them) is a loaded word with connotations that aren't relevant in the socially well adjusted future. Heroes of PMD are as morally strong as they are physically. Characters that can't meet the high moral standards required by the Earth Space Coalition cannot be relied upon to interact peaceably with the other peoples of the galaxy. Earth, being a new member of this galactic community, must be represented by its finest representatives. And their finest might be one of the four following species:

Human: Humans have a proven track record of astonishing feats. Both in mind and body, they are capable of remarkable things. Amongst the galactic community, humanity might be characterized by its cleverness and its courageousness. Despite a technological disadvantage in comparison to some of its peers in the galactic community, humanity has proven itself a stalwart and dependable ally and surprisingly capable.

Hale: The Homo Haliosome species is an artificial species. Developed in secret by a reclusive scientist, this species (referred to commonly as Hales) was designed to work in space as asteroid miners. Decades ahead of current technology, the science utilized in designing the Hale genome from the ground up is not understood. It does not seem to borrow any biology from existent species and utilizes organs and systems not found amongst life on earth. In the early years of their service, their creator was overwhelmed by the human traits they exhibited. Without exception, he released every Hale from indenturedness and rebuilt his estate to serve as a colony for them to live. The secrets to the production of hale specimens was presumably entrusted to this colony. As a people, the hale quickly established themselves amongst the peoples of earth. Nation after nation recognized their humanity though they still face significant discrimination amongst less enlightened populations. Known as 'families' several strains of hale genomes were developed with different labors intended. Pejoratively known as 'models,' these strains exhibit certain physical or mental aptitudes. As a player, one will be able to chose amongst several Hale families and receive a suite of genetic enhancements: bonus statistics or other mechanical advantages.

Mechanoids: The concept of mechanoids owe a lot to the works of Asimov and his androids. Their programming is ruled by the three laws of robotics and where hales quickly campaigned for equal rights to their human brethren, mechanoids have remained subservient to humans. The difference is in the core conceit of the mechanoids, the three laws. These laws are built into the physical architecture of their positronic brains, requiring consideration of humankind above anything else, even their own well being.

Kord: Please see previous post.

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