Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Charge Weaponry

There are going to be several different classifications of weapons in Project Manifest Destiny.

For Rockets, there are two main weapons systems, Missile Salvos, and Thermal Batteries. Against large space creatures, natural structures, and other technologically equipped targets, Missile Salvos will do devastating damage. Against Rocket-sized targets, a single salvo would typically result in complete annihilation. Rockets, however, are typically equipped with Missile Countermeasures, deployable munitions that are fired by the hundreds, locate, track and intercept missiles before they strike the Rocket.

Combat, then, is conducted through the use of Thermal Batteries. These produce directed beams of thermal energy meant to target specific areas of an enemy craft. While an enemy is unlikely to receive catastrophic damage, loss of individual systems may leave a vessel adrift and easily boarded. Loss of main power, loss of the star-drive, damage to the bridge, or even the ability to trigger countermeasures can leave the damaged vessel in dire circumstances. In the event of countermeasures being neutralized, the threat of a missile salvo could obliterate an unfortunate rocket.

This is a core concept for combat. Combatants will need to make a conscious decision to use lethal force. Most combat options will focus on incapacitating a target. A chief example of this will be in the martial arts taught to Star Corps Cadets. Certain species (Mechanoids) and Affiliations (Meteor Scouts) may be restricted in the kinds of combat they can train in. Certain Affiliations may be specialized in lethal combat (Space Rangers have the option to change any hand-to-hand technique they know into a lethal technique by drawing their field knife.)

The standard issue side-arm issued to ESC Rocket Crews is the Charge Pistol. This weapon acts on the nervous system of a target by introducing a high energy electrical signal into the body, incapacitating them.

Many alien species encountered by ESC Crews will possess bio-electric nervous systems (need to come up with a cool technobabble name for the type of nervous system humans possess) and will be susceptible to this type of attack.

For those creatures immune to this type of attack, Charge Weapons can be switched into a lethal mode that causes the electric blasts to inflict terrible burns capable even of vaporizing a man's whole body leaving nothing but smoking boots.

This lethal mode can be used on targets, too, of course, that would otherwise be incapacitated by the previous mode. The choice to use lethal force is up to the player, but the ESC advises, given the effectiveness of the stunning mode, it not be used except in extreme circumstances. Thus, the stunning mode is known as Standard Mode.

Other and more exotic weapons exist that will feature lethal or non-lethal effects. A chief benefit of the Charge class of weapons is the flexibility in choosing the effect most suitable for the engagement.

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